
Give Thanks to Allah - Michael Jackson.

Note: Michael Jackson converted to ISLAM on 21st Nov 2008. ------------------------------- Give thanks to Allah, for the moon and the stars prays in all day full, what is and what was take hold of your iman dont givin to shaitan oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah. Allahu Ghafur Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul al Mohsinin, huwa Khalikuna huwa Razikhuna wahuha ala kulli shaein kadeer Allah is Ghafur Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin, he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all. Give thanks to Allah, for the moon and the stars prays in all day full, what is and what was take hold of your iman dont givin to shaitan oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah. Allahu Ghafur Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul al Mohsinin, huwa Khalikuna huwa Razikhuna wahuha ala kulli shaein kadeer Allah is Ghafur Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin, he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.

Savage 2 : A Tortured Soul

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul is a fantasy and science-fiction themed video game that combines elements of the first-person shooter, real-time strategy, and action role-playing game genres. It is the sequel to Savage: The Battle for Newerth and was officially release d on January 16, 2008. On December 9, 2008 S2 Games announced that the game was officially freeware, with a paid "Premium Account" option that expanded certain aspects of the game. The game was released through Steam on July 13, 2008, for download. On December 13, 2008, the game was released as freeware. Gameplay Players can choose between two factions: the Legion of Man or the Beast Horde. The initial launch of Savage 2 features the Conquer game type. This game is won by destroying the enemy's command center - which is either a stronghold or a lair. Each team elects one commander - who views the game from a classic RTS perspective - to build defens es to support his team and buildings to unlock addit

Yahudi & Israel : Siapakah mereka ini?

Yahudi....Israel..... Saban hari kita kerap mendengar nama ini dikumandangkan,menceritakan kekejaman dan kebengisan yang dilakukan mereka,siapakah mereka dan sejarah mereka. MAKNA KALIMAH YAHUDI, IBRANI DAN ISRAEL. 1. YAHUDI Kalimah Yahudi dinisbahkan kepada anak yang ke-4 bagi Nabi Yaacob a.s yang bernama Yahouza dan ia juga merupakan salah satu daripada puak-puak Bani Israel. Gelaran ini mula terkenal selepas daripada keutuhan kerajaan Yahouza pada tahun 586 sebelum masehi. Kemudian kalimah Yahudi diitlakkan kepada mereka yang menganut agama Yahudi atau agama Musa. Menurut pengarang dalam kitab yang menjelaskan makna Yahudi ialah "Yahudi adalah agama yang dianuti oleh kaum Bani Israel semenjak dari zaman Nabi Musa a.s. Ini diambil dari kata-kata Nabi Musa "Sesungguhya kami kembali kepada-Mu wahai Tuhan". Mereka adalah umat Nabi Musa dan kitab suci mereka bernama Taurat. 2. IBRAN Adapun makna kalimah Ibrani ia